The Quarterly Newsletter
The High Plains Library District Foundation Newsletter
February 18th, 2022, Issue 1
A Word From Our Director
Niamh Mercer
Welcome to the HPLD Foundation’s first e-newsletter! Your HPLD Foundation is dedicated to building a community of library lovers. Our quarterly e-newsletters will share the impact that library lovers, like you, have on the programs and services your libraries provide. As a newsletter reader, you will be the first to learn about upcoming fundraising campaigns, events, volunteer activities and exciting new Foundation projects.
We will share how we collaborate with nonprofits in our community, how we work to increase philanthropy where we live and work, how we plan to engage volunteers in meaningful opportunities at our libraries and events, and what we do to increase awareness of and advocacy for the libraries of the High Plains Library District. I hope that our quarterly messages provide additional insight to the opportunities your Foundation supports in our libraries and that they inspire you to find new ways to engage with your library.
Thank you for loving your library.
With Gratitude,
Niamh Mercer
Foundation Director
The Results of Our 1st Annual Bulletin Board Contest
Congratulations Riverside Library!
During the Foundation's End of Year Employee Giving Campaign, we raised $3,763 thanks to our generous colleagues. In addition to raising these funds, we created a bulletin board contest in which each library could take part. The only requirement was the inclusion of the phrase: We Share Our Thanks. Our coworkers went above and beyond in their creativity and each submission was a true work of art. However, after a staff-wide vote, Riverside took the lead. What was their prize, you ask? A four foot tall unicorn created by Lincoln Park Librarian Susan Safarik. We've gotten word that the unicorn is a big hit at Riverside and they are currently holding a patron contest to name him. Make sure to stop by Riverside to say hello!

Quarterly Update
The Distribution of the Foundation Board of Director's Designated Funds
Based off the Foundation's Spending Policy, a percentage of our earnings from investments is available for our Board to distribute to the needs of the District. HPLD project leaders submit proposals for the projects they need funding for and a Board committee reviews and selects the ones that best align with the goals of the Foundation.
Here are this year's recipients:
Library Innovation Center (LINC) in Downtown Greeley - Project Leader Dr. Matthew Hortt - $20,000
The High Plains Library District’s LINC will serve as a community catalyst for workforce development, STEM education, and future innovation. The facility in downtown Greeley goes beyond the traditional library makerspace, offering both permanent and traveling immersive STEM exhibits and programs. LINC will empower the emerging workforce with the tools they need to enter skills-based jobs that are rapidly growing in Weld County.
Signature Author Series - Project Leader Amy Ortiz - $2,500
This year's featured best-selling author, Jason Reynolds, will be hosting a virtual two hour event. One hour is dedicated to the general public and the second is specifically targeted to teens and educators. Participants will feel motivated to find their voice and use their creativity to write their own stories and make changes for the betterment of the community.
Summer Reading Adventure - Project Leader Amy Ortiz - $2,500
HPLD's free Summer Reading Adventure program fosters personal development, promotes a passion for literacy, supports family literacy, builds at-home libraries, and is open to all ages. Participants will discover new experiences within the library that ignite a passion for reading, learning, and will develop a lifelong bond with their library. Summer Reading Adventure encourages students to set and achieve personal goals and maintain their reading levels.
Widening the Window - Project Leader Carolyn Valencia - $1,000
"Widening the Window" Family Book Club is a 3-month series designed for families from diverse backgrounds. The intention is to encourage thoughtful and courageous community conversation about observation, empathy and loving kindness.
Recent Grants We've Received
The Weld Trust - $50,000
The Weld Trust grant Building Community through Workforce Development provides access to interactive and mobile STEM programming at libraries across High Plains Library District. It will be available to anyone, and reflective of the workforce skills needed by Weld County’s emerging top employers.. Access to these essential workforce development resources removes barriers of entry to students and provides innovative opportunities so that students and our community can succeed at their highest level.
The Buell Foundation - $20,000
For several years, Buell has been a partner to the High Plains Library District. These funds go directly to the national beloved early childhood literacy program, 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten and HPLD's latest program, Multilingual Nursery Rhyme Booklets. These programs aim to promote reading to newborns, infants, and toddlers so they are prepared to learn to read by the time they reach Kindergarten.
National Endowments of the Arts - $10,000
The 2022 Signature Author Series will support and inspire young adults in our community. HPLD Foundation was granted $10,000 to assist with Jason Reynold's speaking fee. Together with the NEA, we can empower young adults to be agents of change by elevating and actively listening to diverse voices.
Weld Community Foundation, Littler Youth Fund - $2,760
Due to the generosity of the Littler Youth Fund, HPLD will provide teens that attend the 2022 Signature Author Series virtual event with a free Jason Reynold's book and tote bag. By providing the teen attendees with one of Jason Reynold’s books, we are continuing the inspiration they felt during the event and empowering them to grow their home library.